Foster a sense of ownership in solving social issues
Visiting participants from Japan + Local Hawaiʻi participants
Age 12 ~ 19
Experiential and exploratory learning methods through service learning.
*Service learning is a method that applies learners' pre-existing knowledge and skills to real-world activities through volunteer work, enabling them to acquire civic responsibility and social skills."
ʻĀina-based Education
*The concept derived from the Hawaiian word 'ʻĀina' (land). It emphasizes learning from the land, deepening one's connection with the natural environment, fostering ties with the local community, and acquiring skills and attitudes that can be applied to real-world issues in society.
21st century Ahupua'a
*Utilizing the wisdom of Ahupua'a, often regarded as the most sustainable regional management method in the world, to address the societal challenges of the 21st century.
Oʻahu, Big Island, Kauai
Hawaiʻi participants may choose any or all of the following participation options, based on availability, skill level, and budget. Options A and B are available at no cost.
A) Pre-Study Session
B) ʻĀina-Based Education in Hawaiʻi
Why Hawaiʻi?
The Idea Behind the Name
There is much one can learn from Hawaiʻi by being an active participant in the local community and the world.
Hawaiʻi has a very unique nature, history, culture, and society (learning resources). It is the most remote island chain of any land mass in the world, and a model region for the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), where the realization of a sustainable community is a top priority.
There is no other place in the world that has a greater relationship with Japan than Hawaiʻi. This affinity helps participants recognize their personal values and culture.
Sustainable Development
The theme of Sustainable Development, a global issue, along with practical examples and collaboration with practitioners and peers abroad, in both English and Japanese, will broaden their horizons and possibilities. This will greatly enhance their awareness and motivation to act responsibly.
Nurturing Responsible Global Citizens
We believe that Hawaiʻi provides an effective setting for Japanese youth to reassert the value of Japan and its people. Through comparative cultural learning methods bridging Hawaiʻi and Japan, they can be guided to become responsible agents, contributing not only within their local communities but also from a global standpoint and the world stage.

How to Achieve Deep Learning
Step 1: Pre-Study
Step 2: Hands-On Activities in Hawaiʻi

Preparation is the cornerstone of profound learning, encompassing subject-related knowledge, skills for comprehending and advancing the subject matter, and most crucially, the highest motivation to engage with and master the subject matter.
Between 5~20 hours of pre-program study is required, understanding that this preparation will greatly affect the depth of learning and change in attitudes and behaviors after the program is over.
The School of Hawaii designs a pre-study curriculum for each program. Participants engage in self-directed learning and group sessions, mainly conducted online, under the guidance of a mentor. This approach not only boosts participants' motivation, knowledge, and skills but also lightens the load on the recruiting organization.

Various hands-on activities may be arranged across the state of Hawaiʻi with the primary focus of allowing the visiting Japanese and local Hawaiʻi participants to learn from what Hawaiʻi has to offer, and apply new skills and knowledge to daily life in Japan and around the world.
"During the two-day on-site training, practical exercises will be conducted through the methodology of service learning. Service learning is an educational approach where learners engage in volunteer activities to understand social issues and community challenges, while also developing skills such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving.
In the Hawaii program, participants will first select social issues in Hawaii, such as food insecurity, poverty, resource recycling and reuse, homelessness, and environmental conservation. They will then engage in volunteer activities in groups to address these issues. By learning about the methods and motivations of practitioners working towards solving Hawaii's social problems, participants will gain a deeper understanding of fundamental societal issues and seek insights for addressing problems on a global scale, both in Japan and around the world."

For more information or to participate in the School of Hawaiʻi, contact us at
or call 808-209-5423
最新 School of Hawaii
2024年1月、中高一貫校SGH/SSHである学校様のハワイ研修にSchool of Hawaiiが採用されました!
参加団体様のご要望に合わせたSchool of Hawaiiプログラムを提案できますので、お気軽にお問い合わせくださいませ

旅行気分でこの派遣プログラムに参加したら少し辛いか もしれませんが、ハワイの文化や自然について学びたいと思う方は是非参加してほしいです。
派遣プログラムの最初に、プログラムを作ってくださった方 から「皆さんの人生が劇的に変わるような体験の手助けをしたい」と伝えられ、2週間でそのような出来事が起きるわけがない、と思っていました。しかし、この派遣プログラムを通して自分自身の考え方や物の見方が変わった気がします。現地の方々とたくさん関り、新しい人間関係を築けたり、楽しいボランティアの活動がたくさんあります。日本では体験できないことをたくさん経験できます。ハワイの文化や歴史たくさんの観点からハワイについて知ることができ、深い学習ができます。